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Secured Overdraft

Secured Overdraft


This is a flexible short term (not more than 12 months) Working Capital Financing on a current account, repayable on demand.

Loan amount • No Minimum loan amount but will be dictated by business needs.

• Maximum overdraft multiplier: 25% of annual turnover, or within the business net cash cycle, whichever is shorter


Security • As per collaterals defined in the Bank Credit Risk Policy
Maximum tenor • 12 Months
Account conduct • Maximum five inward unpaid items in the last 6 months

• Maximum three unauthorized excess drawings in the last 6 months

Method of Repayment • Credits made to the account where the Overdraft is marked
Documentation • As per the checklist


  • Once the limit is approved, the overdraft can be utilized at the business’ prerogative without seeking approval at each drawdown.

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